Sunday, December 18, 2011


As of yesterday morning my Christmas Tree had nothing on it. And I mean nothing - not even lights. We thought we might even have to take it down. Holidays can be very trying for children with emotional and behavioral challenges. Multiple changes in schedule and a ramped up air of excitement/energy can make it very difficult for these kids to self regulate. It leads to more melt downs and tantrums. Both of which we have seen for Kennan. But after some thought we purchased a small quantity of shatter proof ornaments and some ribbon and will redecorate the tree today in hopefully a less stimulating way. Maybe it will help Kennan to better self regulate. He is trying so hard to be good - he loves the idea of Santa and wants him to visit. We as his family are praying for a miracle in the form of a 4 legged friend to help him. In the meantime we make changes and continue to search for other ways to help him also.

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